spanish stuffed mushrooms tapas serving

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Spanish tapas: stuffed mushrooms

All The Spanish Mushroom Tapas Dishes

Looking for Spanish mushrooms tapas ideas?

Autumn is back, and the Spanish woods start offering us one of their most tastiest treasures: the mushrooms season is here! The locals head to the forests to forage them. “Hunting mushrooms”, we say. The food markets display the most popular varieties of mushrooms from Spain. Or if the rain hasn’t been generous enough, they import them from Eastern European countries. We can’t live without them! 

Spanish mushroom croquettes (tapas)

Of course, the restaurants and tapas bars join the party, offering traditional mushroom tapas dishes as well as more creative concoctions. Are you planning a social gathering and want to serve some mushroom appetizers? In this post you'll find plenty of ideas!

These are our favorite Spanish mushroom tapas:


Mushroom croquettes

Croquettes are a huge thing in Spain, one of the kings of traditional tapas. The ones made with a thick béchamel, not with mashed potatoes. And they come in dozens of flavors, either meaty, or vegetarian, or cheesy. And of course, there’s mushroom versions, too! 

Recipe: This lady uses rovellons to make them, but it’s such a waste in my opinion! So I’ll leave you a great video recipe below by a Spanish guy who lived in the US.

Where to eat them in Barcelona: I loved the ones in Quimet i Quimet, but unfortunately they stopped making them long ago (I think the lady cook that made them left). The ones at El Quim the la Boqueria are great, but he doesn’t always have them: they rotate flavors. So for a safe bet, head to a restaurant that specializes in croquettes, such as Catacroquet in Poblenou. If’ also heard that Bodega Sepulveda often has them on their menu.


Creamy mushrooms

Imagine a lovely platter of mixed sautéed mushrooms with a still very runny egg yolk. The waiter then breaks the yolk and mixes it with the mushrooms. Yum… Creamy and fragrant.

Recipe: Sorry guys, I’ve found plenty of creamy mushrooms recipes but none is what I discuss here. They involve cream and who knows what, and I’ve never seen that served as a tapa. But really, it’s so simple. The only difficulty is the egg. I suspect it’s just raw, but I’ll have to ask the next time I eat it. As for the mushroom mix, it’s got white mushrooms, trumpet mushrooms, oyster mushrooms, black trumpets and chanterelle. But you can use your own favorite mix!

Where to eat it in Barcelona: To be honest, I’ve only seen it served in Cerveseria Catalana and its syster restaurants Ciudad Condal and Vinitus.


Mushrooms with garlic with garlic and parsley - "All Ajillo"

This is probably the most famous Spanish mushroom tapas dish! When you think about a Spanish mushrooms tapa, this is what you are thinking about! (So I hope I have surprised you a bit, so far!).

It basically consists of white mushrooms cooked in broth, olive oil, garlic and parsley. Sometimes is added sherry vinegar or white wine. 

Recipe. There’s myriads of them on the internet! But this one looks authentic enough (except that he forgot the parsley…).

Where to eat them in Barcelona. Pretty much any tapas bar! Don’t make me pick just one. It’s everywhere! A basic for anyone looking for vegetarian tapas.


Stuffed mushrooms

Mushrooms can be stuffed too! Remove the stalk, and it’ll leave a small hole underneath the cap that can be stuffed with pretty much any ingredient you like. Stuffed with chorizo, stuffed with veggies, stuffed with mince meat…

Recipe: This recipe for chorizo stuffed mushrooms is delish!

Where to eat it in Madrid: I’m afraid I can’t remember to have seen them anywhere in Barcelona. But if you must try them, hop on the high speed AVE train or a plane and head to Madrid. Don’t miss the mushrooms stuffed with zucchini from Casa Galleta and the meaty “setas montañesas” from El Canadiense.


Mushrooms with scrambled eggs

You could probably make a mushroom omelet (specially with white mushrooms). But it's unsual. The texture and shape of mushrooms goes way better with scrambled eggs. Which BTW, in Spain are not a breakfast thing.

I mean, they can serve scramble eggs for breakfast at some bars, but we usually eat all kind of egg dishes as a tapa or at home for dinner, when we don’t feel for something heavier.

Recipe: I couldn’t find one in English that looked very “Spanish” unfortunately, but this one from a Australian site is similar enough.

Where to eat them in Barcelona: Nothing beats the eggs with mushrooms from El Quim de la Boqueria. It’s final. Specially when he tops them with foie.


Mushroom pintxos

Pintxos are the traditional tapa from the Basque Country. They come as slices of bread with a variety of toppings, or as small skewers on a toothpick. And just like Catalans, the Basques love their mushrooms. So they are often part of their pintxo displays.

Recipe: Let’s go for something very authentically Basque (because the chef is Basque) but also very Spanish (because it includes Spanish ham). Oh yeah! Here is your Basque mushroom tapas recipe.

Where to eat them in Barcelona: There’s many pintxo restaurants in Barcelona. The thing is their platters rotate a lot, and you might have to wait until they bring them out from the kitchen. Specially because the warm pintxos don’t last much on the counter! Don’t be afraid to ask the waiters if there’s any mushroom pintxos coming out soon. You can try Euskal Etxea near the Picasso Museum. Taktika Berri in Eixample is more formal (think of an after-work drink and bite). And Koska Taberna in Poblesec has a younger crowd.


Sautée "rovellons" (saffron milk caps)

Lactarius Deliciosus is the scientific name of "rovellons" the Catalan name for saffron milk caps or red pine mushrooms. In Spanish they are called "rovellones" or "niscalos". They are in season in Autumn, and they are very appreciated in Catalonia.

The best ones are the younger ones still shaped like a button. But they are also the most expensive, so most people are happy to eat the larger ones. 

Recipe: They are eaten sautée with some salt and olive oil, and often fresh parsley and minced garlic sprinkled on top. It’s so simple, there’s no need to link anywhere for a recipe!

Where to eat them in Barcelona: El Quim de la Boqueria always has them when they are in season… But they are pricey! You’ll often find them in Autumn menus of Catalan Restaurants in Barcelona.


Mushroom and veal meatballs

Not all tapas are small bites. Sometimes it’s miniature cuisine to share. And that’s the case of a traditional recipe that can be found as a tapa to share: mushroom and veal meatballs. 

Recipe: I couldn’t find one in English that looked very “Spanish” unfortunately, but this one from a Australian site is similar enough.

Where to eat them in Barcelona: At La Vinateria del Call, in the heart of the Jewish Section.


Sautée Mixed mushrooms

But mushrooms don't need such an elaborated cooking to stand out. They have the flavors and aromas of the woods. What else do you need? Just a nice mix of them, some olive oi and thinly sliced green garlic. The perfect tapa or side dish!

Recipe: Really, just fix your own mix and add some veggies. If you don’t have any green garlic at hand go for regular garlic, or some asparagus, or scallions, even young artichokes would make a great addition.

Where to eat them in Barcelona: I’ve always been fascinated by the giant platter of mushrooms waiting to be tossed in the pan, seating on the counter of Kiosko Universal in the Boqueria Market.


Mushroom Coca de Recapte

Coca de Recapte is the Catalan version of pizza, without the tomato. Cheese is optional, depending on the recipe. Traditionally, farmers would make flat breads topped with whatever veggies were in season or at hand. There’s many varieties, but a coca de recapte will always be savory (we call the sweet ones simply “coca” or coca of whatever topping it has). You can find mushroom coques de recapte that incorporate sliced mushrooms and some grated cheese, as well as others with mushrooms and slices of butifarra pork sausage.

Recipe: Here you’ll find a recipe in English for the flatbread dough. Top it with mushrooms, cheese or sausage to taste.

Where to eat them in Barcelona: A lot of traditional bakeries carry them. But if you prefer to seat down, head to L’Antic Bocoi del Gòtic in the lower side of Barri Gotic. 

To finish... Is there anything else for mushroom lovers in Spain besides mushroom tapas?

You bet! Mushroom cannelloni, mushroom paella and rice dishes, Autumn salads with mushrooms, mushroom vinaigrette, mushroom soups, dear civet with mushrooms, mushroom carpaccio, fricandó veal, cod with mushrooms…

More great mushroom restaurants in Barcelona: Sergi de Meià, Nectari, La Volàtil, Bodega Bartolí, Casa Lucio…

What Spanish mushroom tapas are you going to cook?


Author Marta Laurent Veciana


Marta is the founder of ForeverBarcelona. She is a passionate tour guide that loves Barcelona and loves writing too. She is the main author of our Blog, and is committed to sharing her knowledge about Barcelona and her best tips with our readers.



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