Gaudi Coloring Books

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Example of Gaudi Coloring Books

Barcelona Travel Coloring Books To Brighten Your Confinement


It’s been a bit over a month of confinement in Spain, and art-related activities have proved to be a favorite way of unplugging from all the stressful news. I specially love coloring books because I can share a precious time with my kid and have fun together with a low energy-demanding activity (perfect now that she refuses to take naps). But it’s also a favorite to relax on my own, as coloring my mind quiets down in an almost meditative and soothing state. 

The colors we chose talk about how we feel, and can help cheering up when we choose them with that intention. And the result of our work brightens our day. That inspired me to do some research for you, so you can join me coloring and keeping you connected with your dream of visiting Barcelona soon, very soon, when all this mayhem is over.

These are great Gaudi and Barcelona coloring books:

Let’s start with this beauty that will almost feel like painting Mandalas. In the late 1800s and early 1900s Barcelona lived the expansion of the creative Modernism style, and colorful tiles were super popular to decorate pavements as well as walls. Local artists created gorgeous designs that are now back in fashion (the backsplash of our newly renovated kitchen features a modern version of vintage tiles!).

This coloring book is great for relaxing and soothing. Plus the paper is thick enough to use them as snail-mail postcards! Get it on Amazon. And the author has another Barcelona tiles coloring book with more intricate and geometric designs if you need a bigger challenge.

Lovely coloring book covering the main Barcelona tourist sites. Perfect for kids wanting to come or already having been to Barcelona, as well as dreamy adult travelers. The more colors you have to work with this book, the more lively and exciting it’ll be, because the drawings include many details that will keep you entertained for a while in each page, and finishing them will feel rewarding and fulfilling. Get it on Amazon.

If you’d rather go for more realism and the more detail, the better, this is what you should go for. This book features real pictures of the top Barcelona attractions turned into black and white sketches, so you can fill up the missing colors the way you prefer. It requires deep attention, so it’s a good choice for adults but not for kids. Get it on Amazon.

Gaudi lovers with artistic aptitudes need to get this coloring book with great drawings of the top sites by the architect Antoni Gaudi, from Casa Mila and Casa Batllo, to Sagrada Familia and Park Guell, without forgetting some of his less famous works. Get it on Amazon.


Gaudi inspired mandalas

Gaudi and the Modernism style have been a never-endless source of inspiration for mandala artists. I’ve found several of them on Amazon, but I selected three for you. Relax with Mandalas to color Gaudi – Barcelona would be my choice for people with practice painting mandalas: it presents gorgeous geometric mandalas inspired in designs by Gaudi and his competitors Domènech i Muntaner and Puig i Cadafalch.

Then in the same collection Secrets of Gaudi*Barcelona focuses only in Gaudi designs chosen by its connections with esoteric interpretations. Finally, Mandalas to Relax Painting to Gaudi features simpler designs, perfect for kids that are used to coloring mandalas. All three books are bilingual in English and Spanish.

Want some more travel coloring books featuring Barcelona and other destinations?


Coloring books to travel the world with

Coloring books are addictive. And such a fun way to dream about travel! Once you’ve worked on your Barcelona ones, why not continuing with some other that take you around the world? Here are some of my favorite:

What is your favorite Barcelona coloring book?


Author Marta Laurent Veciana


Marta is the founder of ForeverBarcelona. She is a passionate tour guide that loves Barcelona and loves writing too. She is the main author of our Blog, and is committed to sharing her knowledge about Barcelona and her best tips with our readers.




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Last update on 2024-09-16 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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